Starting a blog series named Kubernetes Club (Inspired by the movie Fight Club).
Here I will be talking about all things k8s, Istio and their related cloud-native technologies. The episodes will be hands-on and full of diagrams so that people can follow alongside and get a feel of k8s. Also, I included memes - figured it would be a win-win.
Since joining Flipkart, I have been exposed to the wonderful of Kubernetes and Istio. For my better understanding, I have also started my personal investigations and experiments along these lines. Thought a blog series would be a good way to traverse forward.
In the first episode 01, I have tried to decrypt a k8s cluster - both controlplane and dataplane - while deploying a sample golang application as a Pod in the cluster. We also discuss how the requests flow in a cluster - right from the user executing a kubectl command to a Pod actually springing up inside a worker Node.
More episodes to follow every week. Stay tuned !
Read the blog here on Medium.
The relevant Github Code for this episode enclosed here for your exploration.
The Github code for the golang application is enclosed here.
The Golang Docker Image is hosted here on the Docker Hub publicly.